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Objective 2

Design, develop, and implement the architecture and infrastructure needed to support a complete game project.


    This simple tank game utilizes “tank” controls where instead of strafing to the right or left the character turns around.

    It includes a main menu that loads up and allows the player to view the controls, change the sound settings, choose single player or 2-player, and even lets them adjust how big of a map that they play on. They can even exit the game from the start menu. It also has a credit screen showing where the music was grabbed from.

    When they get a game over and die, they’re taken to a game over screen where they’re shown their score and can choose to play again or return to the main menu. No matter what though, their score is saved to the computer’s registry so that they or a friend can try to beat the score later. They can also reset the high score if they choose to.

    If they pause the game, they can choose to resume the game, quit the game, or adjust the volume of the music or sound effects to make it more comfortable.



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3D Asteroids

    This reimagined spin of a simple game utilizes rotating the camera based off mouse position, and stopping rotation if it becomes too massive by pressing a button. Simple controls of “W” and “S” for adjusting speed and “A” and “D” for rotating the ship sideways.

    The inclusion of a main menu allows the player to view the controls, change the sound settings, and credits so they can see where the music used came from. They can even exit the game from the start menu.

    Upon death, they’re taken to a game over screen where they’re shown their score and can choose to play again or return to the main menu. No matter what though, their score is saved to the computer’s registry so that they or a friend can try to beat the score later. Like with UATanks they can reset the high score if they choose to.

    If they pause the game, they can choose to resume the game, quit the game, or adjust the volume of the music or sound effects to make it more comfortable.



Top down wave shooter

Name to be determined and image will be updated when finished.

    Using the “WASD” keys allows the player to move up, down, left, and right, and grabbing the mouse position allows rotation of the character.

    Through the main menu the player can view the controls, change the sound settings, and view the credits so they can see where the music used came from. They can even exit the game from the start menu.

    When they die, they’re taken to a game over screen where they’re shown their score and how many waves they survived and can choose to play again or return to the main menu. No matter what though, their score is saved to the computer’s registry so that they or a friend can try to beat the score later. Like with the previous two examples they can reset the high score if they choose to.

    If they pause the game, they can choose to resume the game, quit the game, or adjust the volume of the music or sound effects to make it more comfortable.



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Mascot Heroes

    At the main menu the player can view credits, go into settings, and start the game. Since it’s an android game there’s no quit button on the menu as the main way to close android apps is to just open the recent apps screen and swipe it away.

    The settings contain volume sliders for the sound effects and music, a way to increase or decrease the visual quality to allow slightly better performance or graphics, and eventually it should include a way to control transparency, customize controls and adjust the control size.

    The game itself includes multiple levels that are unlocked by completing the previous one in sequence and saves it to a file as a check to see which level the player is currently on. It will also have a score system based on how much time passed, collectibles grabbed, and enemies defeated.

    When the player pauses, they have access to most of the settings that they had in the main menu and a save/load function, a respawn function, and a quit button to go back to level select.

©2019 by Michael Henson. Created with

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