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Objective 3

Implement and analyze fundamental data structures and algorithms associated with game applications supporting gameplay mechanics.


    The objective was met using this game via the usage of randomly spawning rooms in a grid pattern until it meets the user inputted size, or in the case of errors with the input size, a randomized size. It uses a list of the rooms to create the grid pattern and the enemies placed inside those rooms contain a list of where they have to move to in order to patrol until they find the player.



New Project.png

Schism of Reality

    Using lists, I’ve made it so that the app cycles through a bunch of different audio for the foreground (audio being directed at the user) and a bunch of different audio for the background (audio that isn’t directed at the user but instead is mainly to try and distract). It also makes use of a list/database of locations for the audio players to go to so that it creates the sensation of the audio actively moving around the player instead of being stationary. This helps with making sure the user can’t easily tune it out.



Basic Sorting Algorithm

    This is a C++ program that makes use of the command prompt to meet the requirements of the objective by allowing the user to create their own array of 100 values or allowing the program to generate its own values up to a user specified amount. It then allows the user to find the highest/lowest values as well as enables the user to sort the values in each list and informs them of how long it took.

Sorting Lists.PNG
SQL Database.PNG

SQL Database Creation & Editing

    This proves I’ve learned how to create and maintain a database using a different method than just C++ or Python through the creation of a database using various parts to make weapons for a fantasy game. It also has functions that allow you to easily remove or add individual pieces or even entire weapons.

    The purpose of removing individual parts, and even entire weapons themselves, is because if parts/weapons keep getting added to a list or database, especially in a game, then it can cause an eventual crash due to an overload of data. The most infamous one I can think of is at least the first 2 Darksiders games. In them, if the player collected too many items and tried to sell any then the game’s database becomes overloaded causing the game to crash.

    Being able to know how to properly manage a list or database is crucial because if either one fills up it can cause a wide range of issues.

©2019 by Michael Henson. Created with

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