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This page will detail in chronological order progress that has been made with the latest progress at the top.

March 21, 2022

Uploaded SIP Presentation Video to YouTube

March 20, 2022

Made a demo video showcasing my app and posted to YouTube.
Also updated and revised my brief a bit more.

March 12, 2022

Uploaded changes made on March 11, 2022 to GitHub repository located on my SIP Documentation page.

March 11, 2022

App was updated to fix the main scene where the "simulation" happens so that it works properly when the user chooses to use the camera.
Still need to add in a way for it to ask for permissions as well as aspect ratio used so the image isn't mushed.
Also added a disclaimer upon app opening informing the user of the intent behind the app.
Added a quality of life change where the back button fades when the camera is in use and comes back upon screen tap.

January 30, 2022

Updated SIP Brief and web pages

January 15, 2022

Currently I have a rudimentary build, up and running. I have the camera implemented (for the most part), the microphone capability implemented, and the audio implemented
Changes that NEED to be made reside in how the visuals work so that the user can leave if they're using the camera and in what types of audio there are so as to better represent the condition.

©2019 by Michael Henson. Created with

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